Hospitality League
To join the hospitality league, all players must be 18 and over and be current employees in the following categories: Restaurants, Fast Food Places, Bars, Night Clubs, Hotel and Movie Theatre. Teams can pick up players from any of these categories.
In addition, we are allowing 3 grandfather players per team that have been with RSC for the past 5 years. RSC will determine if the grandfather player signing up is eligible or not. All team captains must be currently working in any of these hospitality categories (No grandfather captains). We will be asking for proof of employment and ID. All players information must be submitted by registration deadline. Fail to submit all players information will result in not placing your team into the league.
Teams that have all their players (100%) from one establishment and no grandfathers will have a discount of $200. (No other discounts may apply to this special offer)
Requirements To Join Our Leagues
To join any of RSC leagues, we require business cards for managers and employee paystubs from 2023 to current date. We will not accept any paystubs from other years back of 2023. Another requirement is a copy of a photo ID. Any private information can be crossed off on the paystub and ID. Any misinformation or counterfeit documents will result in banning the player from the league and games played will be automatically forfeited. No refunds!
Contact Us For More Information