2025 RSC Club Policies

This season we upgraded our league policies, guidelines and rules.

RSC will enforce all new changes to better the league and club. More positive policies will updated within the weeks to come. Please follow the rules posted on the league page you are signing up for. These are general Club Policies.

General Club Policies:

  • New Policy: There will be no more odd number of teams scheduled in the season. Spots will be reserved in order with a down payment and paid in full by the registration deadline. We will not hold a spot without a 50% deposit. If your team is the last team that paid and there are no more teams to make the schedule even, then unfortunately we will refund your payment. We will try our best to find another team so the last team to register doesn’t have to miss out. On the other hand, if a team gives a deposit or full payment and bailes out at the last minute, that team will lose 50% of their deposit or payment. We will try to replace that team or return the payment of the last team that registered. This new policy is in place to make sure the season schedule goes well for every team. The odd team schedule doesn’t work out with the byes and double headers.

  • RSC caters to food and beverage hospitality industry employees. Proof of workplace and ID is required to join our leagues. Must be 18 years and older to join our leagues.

  • Any false information or bad conduct will result in a ban from the league and club. No refunds will be honored.

  • New Registration process will be available on The Sports Box App. RSC and The Sports Box are partners and all sports agendas, registering, scheduling, chats, and information will be posted on the app.

  • All members and players must agree on the personal injury waiver that is displayed in the TSB app before stepping onto the court or field. We do not issue or supply personal insurance. Play on your own risk. If any serious injury to an individual occurs, we as a club will do our best to help the individual. (But not guaranteed)

  • Forfeits: All teams must submit a forfeit deposit before the season starts. If your team doesn’t forfeit, the deposit will be reimbursed.

  • Game schedule (Pre or Post)and events may and will be rescheduled or cancelled due to unfortunate circumstances. We will do our best to reschedule, if there are conflicts we will try our best to accommodate. No refunds for canceled games or events!

  • Team Prize: All team prizes are not guaranteed to any team! The league prize will determine on how many teams join the league. RSC averages $100 per team to calculate the prize. We will do other prizes than cash. If Championship or Tournaments are cancelled due to unfortunate circumstances, the prize will be fairly distributed among teams that are affected. The first place team is not guaranteed to get the prize in total!

  • Game Officials: All G.O must be knowledgeable on the league and sport rules. He or she must a professional demeanor and attitude. Any game official violates any rules or policies, he or she will be banned from any of RSC leagues.

  • Uniforms: Teams will only be allowed to wear the team shirts the league supplies. No more past team shirts are allowed. Also, ordering your own costume shirts that is not through RSC is not acceptable. Uniforms must come from RSC.

  • Conduct: We have zero tolerance for fights and unnecessary arguments towards game officials and others. We will ban anyone that causes trouble and starts to disrupt on going games. He or she may be responsible for any damages to the property. No refund if you get ejected or banned from the league!

  • Drugs / Alcohol: Field permits does not allow smoking and alcohol within the park and dugout. RSC also has a no smoking and alcohol policy. Anyone violating these rules will automatically be banned from the league and may be responsible for any damages to the property. No refund if you get ejected or banned from the league!