All members must be in the Hospitality Food & Beverage Industry to join RSC.
Proof of employment and ID will be required.
Team Manager(s): You can sign up and create a team profile within The Sports Box app. Select your players and join our “RSC Flag Football League” in no time. Manage your team with ease!
Player(s): If you’re interested but do not have a team? You can sign up and create a player profile within The Sports Box app. As a free agent, you can look for teams that best suits you or wait until teams pick you up.
Game Officials: Create a Game Official profile within the app and request to join our flag football league.
The Sports Box App: Payments, Game Schedule, Game Locations, Game Scores, League Standings, Group Chats, League Updates and Social Media Posts will be available within the Sports Box App.
To be part of RSC leagues, he or she MUST be in the Hospitality business. Some past players that are not in the hospitality business anymore can be grandfather into the league.
Roster: Some RSC co-ed sports are required for girls to be in the line-up/roster. Players must at least play 4 games during the regular season to be legible to play in the post season. Final roster changes and adding new players must be met by deadline (3rd week of the regular season). Any changes after deadline or player(s) are not in the hospitality business will result in penalties. Penalties may be forfeiting games, even playoff games and/or player ejection from league.
Grandfather: Must be part of RSC for two years to be considered in the grandfather clause. Three grandfather limit per team.
Free Agent: Sign up on the Sports Box app as a Player. As a free agent, you can look for teams that best suits you or wait until teams picks you up.
RSC Fall Outdoor Flag Football League consists of 7 vs 7 players, You can start a game with only 6 players. Playing with less than 6 players will results in an automatic forfeit. Flag Football general rules that are not RSC rules are used from USA Flag Football Association.
Games: Games are scheduled Monday Mornings and/or Afternoons. Time slots vary from 10: 00 AM thru 1: 00 PM. Time slots may change depending on amount of teams in the league.
Time Limit: 25 minutes per half (2 halves per game). The clock will start at the jump ball. Within the last 2-minutes of each half, the clock will stop on out of bounds plays, personal foul, team time-outs and Official’s timeout. Before the last 2 minutes, the clock will stop only after a time-out, injury and/or Official’s time-out. Under a minute remaining in regulation or overtime, the clock will stop after a basket is made. Each team will have 3 time-outs per half (cannot be carried over into next half if not used.)
Mercy Rule: Game will be called in the second half under 2 minutes with the margin being 18 points or more.
Overtime: Tie game will result in Overtime. Each team will start with one possession to score from midfield. No score from either team, a last possession from midfield will be given to each team. No score will result in a tie. Each team will be awarded 1 additional time-out per Overtime.
Standings Tie Breaker
Team with more points
Team with less scored against.
Team with more standing points for.
Game Rule
Please Note: Some game rules may be changed or updated once we all gather with the team managers.
Possession: A coin toss will be used to determine first possession.
The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 10-yard line and has four (4) plays to cross midfield. Once the team crosses midfield, it has four (4) plays to score a touchdown.
On 4th Down, the team has the choice to go for it or throw the ball. The return team has the chance to return the ball.
Dead Call: If the whistle is blown prematurely, the team in possession at the time will have the choice to play to the point of the whistle or the down over. If the ball is loose by pass at the time, the down will be replayed.
Offense: Offensive line consists of a minimum of two lineman and/or Tied end, Center he has to snap the ball between his legs or from his side of his leg, as long as his shoulders must be parallel with the line of scrimmage when he snaps the ball. Use of the hands is allowed by the offensive line.
If the ball hits the ground while the center is snapping, the ball is live for the Quarterback only.
QB does NOT have to be rushed in order to run. He can run at any time.
Only one player is allowed in motion at the time of the snap.
Teams may hand off, pitch or throw back the football in the backfield only. The player who receives the pitch or hand off, may throw the ball as long as he is not passed the line of scrimmage. Multiple hand offs are allowed behind the line of scrimmage but only one pitch or throwback.
A ball carrier may get up and advance with the ball if he falls, unless touched while down. The flag does not have to be pulled if he is down.
The ball carrier must never shield the flags (flag guarding) with his hand or ball, crawl or dive to advance or toss the ball in the air to avoid his flag from being pulled. It will be called at the spot of the infringement.
If the ball carrier loses his flag belt, the one-hand touch is enforced. If he loses his flag due to the defender, the play is dead at the spot where the belt falls
If during the play, the ball carrier’s jersey is covering the flags and the defense cannot pull flags, one-hand touch is enforced.
If the ball carrier uses the ball to prevent himself from falling, ball is dead at the spot of the foul.
Stiff arms are Not Allowed. No diving to advance on the play. No hurdling over a defender unless he is down on the ground. No Spinning to avoid flag being pulled.
The receiver must have one foot inbounds for a legal catch. A receiver, who steps out of bounds, becomes ineligible, unless pushed out by a defender. If the receiver is pushed out of bounds by a defender during the act of catching the ball, an official may rule that the player would’ve been in bounds without contact and award the catch. The receiver must control the ball throughout the act of touching one foot or any other part of the body except the hands, to the ground in bounds.
The offensive team has 30 seconds from the ball being spotted, to snap the ball or it will result in a 5 yard delay of game penalty. The offense is responsible for retrieving the ball and bringing it back to the official as quickly as possible. Otherwise, a Delay of Game penalty will result.
End Zone celebrations are allowed as long as players do not taunt opponents.
Dead Balls:
Incomplete pass
Ball carrier goes out of bounds
Fumble is a dead ball except after snap
Fumbles: There are no fumble recoveries after the ball hits the ground. If a player losses possession, it is a live ball and may be advanced as long as the ball doesn’t hit the ground. However, the offensive team may not advance a ball caught forward of the player losing possession. If a ball carrier fumbles the ball from the field into the opponent’s end zone, it is a touchback and the opposing team will take the ball and receive 2 points.
Blocking: Hands are allowed to block down field. No lunging or blind side hitting allowed, it will be considered a personal foul.
CONVERSION (from 3 yard line) = 1 POINT
CONVERSION (from 10 yard line) = 2 POINTS
Defense: Blocking outside of the line of scrimmage is allowed, but NO contact such as tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, blind side hits or any unsportsmanlike conduct. Tackling of a player will result in a player ejection, suspension and/or permanent ban. Any tackle to prevent a touchdown will result in an automatic touchdown.
The defense is not allowed to simulate offensive calls by trying to sound like the QB.
Defense of lineman(s) can cross the line of scrimmage after a 3 mississippi count.
Defense of lineman(s) must line up on the line of scrimmage. He or she can not drop back to pass cover.
Each team is allowed 1 blitz every 4 downs from the line of scrimmage. Defensive players can rush the QB every down (7 yards from the line of scrimmage, unlimited rushers). Once the ball has been handed off or pitched, the 7 yard rule is no longer in effect and all defenders are eligible to blitz.
The defense must not initiate contact with any receiver. The defender cannot use contact to break up a pass play or shield the receiver’s eyes (pass interference).
Defender cannot bat down, strike or pull on the arm of the QB while attempting to throw ball
All players must be in a uniform Jersey for the game. No Jersey, the player cannot play until 10 minutes into the game. The shirt must be the same style and color for all players. League supplies the Jerseys.
Players cannot swap jerseys during games. Each player must wear the same number throughout the season. Player’s caught swapping jerseys will not be permitted to play.
All players must wear acceptable shorts or sports pants. No jeans or cut off shorts. Spandex may be worn underneath the uniform short.
All players must wear proper athletic sneakers or cleats. No player should play in a wedge-style sneaker, street shoes with rubber soles or metal cleats. NO EXCEPTIONS! Metal cleats are not permitted. Any player caught with metal cleats during the game will be ejected from the game.
Knee, elbow pads and mouth guards are recommended and should be part of the uniform.
NO JEWELRY should be worn during games. This includes the rubber bracelets, hair bands, rubber bands, etc. on wrists.
If player loses Jersey, he/she must purchase another Jersey from the league before playing the following week. Please Note: Price for replacement shirt is $40.
Players must have their game shirts for playoffs and championship games. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Conduct: Player’s code of conduct will be strictly enforced before, during and after each game while at any field location. Team Managers are held responsible for their teams’ actions on the field. Only captains are allowed to speak to the officials regarding a call or any other inquiries.
Zero Tolerance for: fighting, threats and continuous foul language may result in league suspension/expulsion. Any player involved in a physical altercation will be ejected from the game. If a player gets into a fight with another player, both players will be ejected from the game and face suspension/expulsion from the league
All individuals are responsible for their own actions after the games are done. We ask for players to take off any RSC apparel if going to act up in any public establishment. RSC is not responsible for any off the field issues.
No Drinking Alcohol while game(s) is in progress. No Smoking on the field.
Players must clean after themselves when leaving the field. Permits can be revoked for littering.
Injury: Any player who is bleeding or has an open wound is prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment has been administered. Player must sit out if feeling nauseating or concussions like symptoms.
Safety: All RSC players must read and understand game rules so we can prevent injuries. Players should stretch and use protective gear at all times. No metal cleats are allowed!